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History - Faculty & Staff

Michelle Rhoades

  • Associate Professor of History

Photo of Rhoades, Michelle

Dr. Rhoades arrived at Wabash College in 2002 and has taught numerous courses on European masculinity, medical history, the history of sexuality and European history. Over the years she has given campus talks on Wabash, teaching, and her research. Supportive of student off-campus learning, Professor Rhoades incorporates travel to France into her classes and offers “Immersion Courses” on a regular basis. With an active research program, Dr. Rhoades conducts regular research in Paris and in the municipal and regional archives of Bordeaux and Rouen, France. She has presented her research at domestic and international French history conferences and at the annual conference of the American Historical Association. Her publications have appeared in French Historical Studies, The Proceedings of the 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stern Society for French History, The Encyclopedia of Prostitution, and The Encyclopedia of World War I. Dr. Rhoades continues work on her book manuscript, “No Safe Women”: Medicine and Gender during the Great War. This manuscript examines military medical policies to control venereal disease and regulated prostitution during WWI.


Ph.D. in French History, The University of Iowa, December 2001
M.A. in History, The University of Iowa, 1994
B.A. in French, The University of Arizona, 1993

Recent Course Offerings

HIS 131, 19th Century European Survey
HIS 132, 20th Century European Survey
HIS 102, World History Since 1500
HIS 230, Topics in European History
HIS 231, Readings in 19th Century Europe
HIS 232, Readings in 20th Century Europe

Honors & Awards

Wabash Junior Wins Prestigious NEH Internship:

Publications and Presentations

“’There are no Safe Women’: Prostitution in France during the Great War” Proceedings of the 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stern Society for French History, 27 (1999).

“To Save Future Generations: Masculine Honor and Reproductive Duties, 1914-1918” Proceedings of the 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stern Society for French History, 31 (2003).

“Prostitution,” in The Encyclopedia of World War I: A Political, Social, and Military History, Spencer Tucker, ed. volume IV. (ABC-CLIO, 2005).

"Portraits of Ladies: The Business of Prostitution” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 2006.

“Prostitution as Labor” Wabash College, Ides of August Conference, August 2006.

“Prostitutes: Locating Women and Identifying Agency in World War I France.” 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stern Society for French History, October 2006.

“Renegotiating French Masculinity: Medicine and Venereal Disease during the Great War” French Historical Studies, 29: 2 (2006).

Review, Angus McLaren, Impotence: A Cultural History, in Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire, XLIII (winter, 2008).

Review, Sean M. Quinlan, The Great Nation in Decline, in French Studies v.63, (October 2009).

“Doctors with Orders? : Medicine, Gender, and Venereal Prophylaxis during World War I.” 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stern Society for French History, October 2009.

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