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Wabash Theater Presents: Where Is Our Beloved Community-2

a man sitting on a box with his legs crossed

K'Tren Wilson in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man in a red robe

Elijah 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网ddington in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man and woman on stage

Malik Barnes and Chenel Darby in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man on a stage with other people in the background

Malik Barnes in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man sitting on a box with other men standing around him

Malik Barnes in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man playing a xylophone

Robert Borland provides original music for the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man and woman hugging on stage

Alba de la Cruz Gonzalez Vasquez and Dario Banuelos in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a group of people holding signs

The cast of the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a group of people sitting on a stage

K'Tren Wilson, Jamari Washington, and Chenel Darby in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man standing on a stage with a man standing on a red stage

Josh Campbell and Khoi Truong in the Wabash Theater production of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a group of people on a stage

Sebastian Wang leads a post-performance talk at the conclusion of Where Is Our Beloved Community

a man in a hat and glasses

Video interviews of students, faculty, staff, and alumni are interspersed throughout the production; alumnus Ansley Valentine tells his story.

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