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Recruiting Policy

The Schroeder Center for Career Development is dedicated to the development and implementation of innovative programs and services that promote life-long career management skills for students and alumni.  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 offer career counseling, professional school advising, employment and internship opportunities, and professional development resources. The office works with students and alums to clarify career aspirations, identify opportunities, and offer support at every stage of professional development.

168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 serve students from all majors pursuing full-time positions and/or competitive internship opportunities. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 are committed to tailoring our recruiting programs to meet the needs of every organization that is a recruiting partner at Wabash College.

As members of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Wabash College adheres to the NACE Principles for Career Services and Employment Professionals.  All employers who wish to partner with us will be expected to review and follow all NACE Principles. To promote professionalism and ensure a positive experience for our students, alumni, and employer partners, and to clarify areas of unique concern, we have adopted supplemental Recruiting Policies that represent our profession’s standards and best practices. The following policies apply to all employment organizations participating in recruiting activities at Wabash College including on-campus interviews, resume referrals, information sessions, and career/job fairs.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Wabash College, while exempted from Subpart C of Title IX regulation with respect to its admissions and recruitment activities, admits students and gives equal access to its scholarships, programs, and facilities without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, religion, or physical or other disabilities. Wabash is welcoming for all people who have relationships with the College.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, it is the policy of Wabash College that no Wabash student will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any education program or activity on the basis of sex. A student may not, on the basis of sex, be limited in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity, including courses, extracurricular activities, benefits, and facilities.

This policy against sex discrimination includes a prohibition against sexual harassment, including sexual violence. Sexual harassment consists of sexual advances, sexual gestures, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and that limits or denies, on the basis of sex, a student’s ability to participate in and benefit from the College’s education program; sexual harassment is further defined in greater detail in the College’s Title IX policy. This policy prohibits sex discrimination by an employee or agent of the College, by another student, and by third parties who come into contact with students at College, or at College-related activities. The accused harasser can be either male or female, and the target of the harassment can be either male or female. The accused harasser and target can be of the same gender. Title IX applies regardless of the accused harasser’s or target’s actual or perceived sexual orientation. Sex discrimination prohibited by this policy can include being harassed for failing to conform to stereotypical notions about how a person of the target’s gender should behave.

Reports of discrimination and requests for accommodation regarding disabilities may be made to Associate Dean Heather Thrush at or 765-361-6437.

Third Party Agencies

A third party agency or recruiter represents a candidate or an employer client, and is not the principal employing organization. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations such as contract recruiters, career development consultants, career marketing firms, and temporary or contact agencies. The Career Centers will sponsor third party recruiting activities if the third party agency agrees to:

  • Reveal the identity of the employer being represented and the nature of the relationship between the agency and the employer, and permit career services to verify this information by contacting the client. If the Career Centers have an existing relationship with the client, we will inform the third party agency and decline to post the position.
  • Identify, on all announcements, the name of the employer being represented.
  • If requested, provide a position description for valid openings.
  • In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), release candidate information only with the written permission of the employment candidate and only to the identified employer.

Definition of Recruiting Activities

Recruiting activities include, but are not limited to: career fairs; on-campus interviews; information sessions and company presentations; campus information tables; classroom presentations and guest panel discussions; and other advertised opportunities communicated to students through bulletin boards, mail announcements, and e-mail.

Excluded Practices

Wabash College chooses not to sponsor recruiting activities for opportunities if:

  • The opportunity involves on-campus solicitation, posting of materials, or sale of products or services.
  • Compensation is exclusively commission or fees/percentage of sales from others under their sponsorship in the organization.
  • The organization is sponsoring an individual to establish their own business for the purpose of selling products or services, and/or recruiting other individuals to establish their own businesses.
  • The organization requires an initial payment or investment, or account balance or similar fiscal requirements, with the organization itself serving as an umbrella or parent corporation. The initial investment may include, but is not limited to: requirement to attend unpaid orientation or training sessions; direct payment of a fixed fee; payment to attend orientation or training sessions; and/or the purchase, leasing, or renting of a starter kit, sales kit, or presentation supplies.
  • The work assignment negatively affects student academic progress or encourages students to discontinue their studies.
  • The employer fails, for any reason, to provide the necessary information needed to post a job vacancy or internship opportunity (e.g., job description, qualifications, application instructions).
  • Upon request, the employer is unable or unwilling to provide written documentation of registration with a Better Business Bureau.


Wabash College reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to deny any employer or recruiter access to the services offered by the Schroeder Center for Career Development and any other Wabash College Office.

Wabash College reserve the right to suspend an employer’s privilege to recruit at Wabash for any reason, including failure to abide by our policies.


Employer partners should coordinate all outreach and marketing activities through the Schroeder Center for Career Development. This includes any form of communication to students, student organizations, student clubs, athletic teams, affinity group advisors, or faculty/administrators/staff. Mass email are prohibited unless coordinated and approved by the Schroeder Center for Career Development.

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