SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) IRB Review
168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 have created a SoTL-specific IRB Review form and consent form, specifically designed to fit with classroom-based research.
Educational research can be reviewed under the "Exempt IRB" category. Note, however, that the federal definition of an Exempt IRB Review does not exempt the project from IRB oversight. The "exempt" refers to exemption from follow-up review by the IRB, after the project has been reviewed and approved.
Application for SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching & Learning) Review | (doc) |
Sample SoTL Consent Form | (doc) |
Additional helpful resources:
Wilson-Doenges, G., & Gurung, R.A.R. (2013). Benchmarks for scholarly investigations of teaching and learning. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65(1), 63-70. (This journal article is accessible through the Lilly Library.)
A rich source of SoTL information:
And their SoTL IRB page has good information as well:
Ethics and the IRB Review Process, SoTL-Specific, from the University of Cincinnati:
IRB & SoTL, from Elon University:
Questions? Contact the Wabash IRB Chair Dr. Karen L. Gunther, Professor of Psychology
Telephone: 765/361-6286, Email: