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IT Programs & Services

Information Technology Services (IT Services) is responsible for all computer and telecommunications needs of the college. Some of the programs and services we offer are described below.  For more information or assistance with any of these programs contact the Help Desk, or Jamie Ross, IT Services Office Manager (phone x6302, email or Brad 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网aver, Director of IT Services (phone x6308, email

IT Services Help Desk
The IT Services Help Desk is your resource for all computer and technology questions or problems.  The Help Desk is staffed 8am-4:30pm, with emergency service available at other times.  You can reach the Help Desk in any of the following ways:

 Phone:  x6400  (765-361-6400 from off campus)
 Drop in: Baxter Hall, room 33

Contact the Help Desk to report a problem, ask a question about a particular software program, request a software upgrade, or to discuss technology needs for your office or class.  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 support a variety of Windows and Macintosh application software, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Dream168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网aver, Adobe Acrobat, Mathematica, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Eudora, Thunderbird, and 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网bmail.

IT Services 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网b Site
The IT Services web site is located at  The web site contains information about IT Services, upcoming maintenance, and computer sales information.

Computer Facilities
IT Services maintains six large computer labs (Lilly PC Lab, Armory Computer Lab, Detchon Language Lab, Baxter Social Sciences Lab, Goodrich Math Lab, and Hays Hall Computer Lab), as well as several smaller computer clusters.  The Lilly lab is open for public use 8am-2am, and the Armory Computer Lab is open 24 hours/day.  Most academic departments have additional computers designated for use by students in a particular discipline.  In all, Wabash has over 380 computers dedicated for student use.

Most campus classrooms are equipped with computer projection facilities.  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 have more than 50 such systems, some of which are fixed in a particular classroom, and some that can move within a building, department, or entire campus.  Specific information on computer facilities is available on our computer facilities page.

Wabash now offers file storage and collaboration through Box.  With Box, you can:

  • Store an unlimited amount of files, with secure access from anywhere and on any device.  Individual files can be as large as 15GB.
  • Create shared folders for groups, departments, clubs, and classes on your own, without needing to open an IT helpdesk ticket.
  • Easily share data with collaborators outside Wabash.
  • Track revisions, make comments, and display version history for each file.
  • Adjust security settings for sensitive information.
  • Send secure, time-restricted file attachments through email, with file sizes exceeding typical email limits.

Visit to install Box.  Contact the Help Desk for more information.

Canvas is available to all faculty for course use.  Canvas offers instructors a robust set of tools, functions and features for teaching.  It contains a number of communication and collaboration tools that enhance interaction between students and instructors with asynchronous discussion boards and synchronous chat tools. Features include:

  • Course web site and course content distribution (e.g. syllabus, course description pages, links to Internet resources)
  • File exchange with class members
  • Discussion boards and chat rooms
  • Assessment tools and grade book
  • Blogs and wikis
  • Email messaging system 

All Wabash courses are automatically set up in Canvas.  For more information, see our Canvas page.

Academic Technology Services
168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 offer a variety of academic technology services, including:

  • Training for students in use of technology, such as PowerPoint, digital video or web page creation
  • Support for course tools Canvas and Course Folders
  • Instruction in use of campus technology, such as classroom projection systems
  • Installation of course software for use in computer labs

Self-Service is a 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网b interface to Wabash College’s administrative database. Faculty can use Self-Service to see class schedules and class rosters, get information on advisees, submit grades, approve time cards for student employees, and view budgets, among other things. 

Educational Technology Center
The Educational Technology Center (ETC), located on the first floor of Lilly Library, has a podcast studio, a videography studio, video editing stations, a large format printer, and related equipment. The ETC is open for public use from 8am-2am most days. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 also offer a variety of media services, including audio and video producing, filming campus events, and offering instruction to faculty, staff and students on use of media software and equipment. Contact the Help Desk x6400, or our Educational Technologist x6174 for more information.

Atomic Learning On-line Technology Learning
Wabash has licensed Atomic Learning, an on-line learning service, for all faculty, staff and students.  Atomic Learning offers introductory through advanced courses on Microsoft Office, Macromedia and Adobe design products, and other technology.  See our Atomic Learning page for more information.

Tech Talk
IT Services sponsors noon-time presentations on technology throughout the semester.  The next Tech Talk is TBA.  Lunch is always provided.

Computer Lab Reservations
Faculty can reserve the computer labs for class use in the on-line scheduler system.

Wabash ID Cards
IT Services issues ID cards to all new employees and incoming students. ID cards are used for admission to the fitness center and sporting events, checking out books from the library, key card entry for some campus buildings, and debit card for food services. If you lost your ID card, stop by the Help Desk for a replacement. There is a $10 charge if you lost your card, but broken or damaged cards are replaced at no cost.

Network Accounts
All faculty, staff, and students receive network accounts.  The same username/password will let you into all network services, including the network servers, email, 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网bmail, and Canvas.  You can change your password at any time. If you lose your password or are unable to log in, please stop by the Help Desk for assistance. For security reasons, we are unable to provide passwords over the phone.

Electronic Mail
Email addresses are in the form  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 maintain an on-line directory ( for faculty, staff, and students that you can use to find correct email addresses.

IT Services supports Outlook and 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网bmail as email clients.  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网bmail is a web-based email client that allows access to email from campus or anywhere on the Internet.  You can find it at  Outlook is a fully functional desktop email client.  If you have a preference for another email client (such as Thunderbird or Mac Mail), it will work with our email system, but we can provide only minimal support for those programs. Note that students, faculty, and staff have 1GB quota on the mail server.

There are a number of campus-wide lists that let you easily contact people on campus.  Lists should be used only for Wabash-related announcements that would be of interest to a large number of people in the list.  Common lists include: all campus users current students all faculty and staff all faculty

Email Spam Blocking
To help control junk email on campus, Wabash IT Services has licensed Proofpoint Protection Server, a service that keeps junk mail from ever reaching your email inbox.  Obvious spam will be automatically blocked, and suspicious messages will be quarantined off-site.  You will receive a daily email from Proofpoint listing quarantined messages.  The service has a number of user-controlled settings, including approved senders.  For instructions and more information, see our Proofpoint spam blocking page.

Online Classifieds
The online classifieds tool is intended to offer a centralized, web-based location for the exchange of goods, services and information for the benefit of the Wabash College community.  Please utilize this system rather than the campus email lists for announcements of this type.

Off-168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 Access
Many services, including webmail, Canvas, network storage, and library resources, are available from off campus.  See our remote access page for instructions and more information.

Personal Home Pages
All faculty, staff, and students have as part of their network account setup space for a personal web page. There is a 25MB quota for personal pages. Information on creating a site is available on our personal web page server,

Technology Equipment Loans
168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 maintain a supply of technology equipment that faculty and staff can check out for short-term use, on or off campus.  168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 have laptop computers (Windows and Macintosh), portable computer projectors, digital still cameras, digital video cameras, and slide projectors.  Contact the Help Desk to reserve an item.

Telephone Services
Wabash provides digital telephone service and voice mail to all faculty and staff.  Long distance calls can be placed using a college-provided authorization code.  Fax machines are available in most academic and administrative buildings. 

Telephone / Email Directories
In addition to the main college directory published each fall by the Office of the Dean of the College, IT Services distributes printed telephone/email directories several times each year.  A searchable on-line directory is available at

Virus / Spyware / System Security
Incoming and outgoing email is scanned for computer viruses, as are files on network servers.  If you believe you have a computer virus or other security concern, please contact the Help Desk.

Microsoft Office Home Use
Our Microsoft software license permits home use of Microsoft Office for Wabash faculty and staff. Login with your Wabash email address to and click the install Office apps button. Please contact the Help Desk if you need further assistance.

Personal Computer Sales
Wabash offers discount pricing on Apple and Dell computers, as well as a wide range of peripherals and software. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 are also happy to consult with faculty, staff, and students on selection of personal systems. Product information and pricing for Macintosh and Dell systems can be found on our computer sales page. Contact Jamie Ross (x6302) for pricing and availability of peripherals and software.

Personal Computer Repair
IT Services is unable to do hardware or software work on personal computers, but we are happy to provide referrals for local repair and service shops.

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