Celebration Event Guidelines
Submission Information and Guidelines:
Presentation Formats: 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 would like as many students as possible to present their work at the Celebration. To this end we will offer a variety of presentation formats including talks, poster sessions, exhibitions, presentations on musical and theatrical performances, and readings of original work. If one of these formats isn’t suitable, please contact Dr. Lon Porter to discuss what format would work for you.
Poster sessions last for 60 minutes. The time period for the talk, reading, or performance is twenty minutes and we ask you to limit your presentation to 15 minutes to allow for questions and comments from the audience. As you prepare for the Celebration, you may find it helpful to consider the Guidelines for Poster Sessions and Guidelines for Oral Presentations. Poster presenters must use this PowerPoint template to print their poster.
Celebration Conference Abstracts: A journal containing all abstracts will be published and distributed at the conference. As you write your 200 word abstract keep in mind that it is intended to draw people unfamiliar with your discipline to your talk or poster, so be engaging! If your project is of such a nature that it would be useful to include black & white photos, musical scores, graphs, etc., you can include these in the document.
Sponsorship: All presentations must have a faculty or staff sponsor. The sponsor is responsible for ensuring the presentation meets the intellectual criteria for the Celebration. The purpose of the Celebration is to provide students with an opportunity to present their original research, scholarship, and creative work. Student work may come from a wide variety of sources including collaborative work with faculty, an independent study, or a project that goes beyond normal coursework in its quality and in some way advances the student's discipline. In essence, we are looking for good work from Wabash students from any academic discipline or area of study.