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Summer Institute

WLAIP Opening Day | WLAIP

Opening Day, July 2,2024: Tentative scheule is below (but is subject to change)

10:00 a.m. - Noon Registration in lobby of Allen Center
Receive the key to your dorm room, move your stuff in, make a shopping run, stroll around campus, and chat with WLAIP staff and other WLAIP participants and parents.

***Make sure to complete your health form (which you can find linked from the New Student Road Map) before arriving, or be ready to complete it at registration.

Noon: Opening Luncheon: Detchon International hall
168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 will open WLAIP's Summer Institute with lunch and some short comments by College administrators.

end of lunch - 1:45 p.m.: Introduction to the WLAIP Summer Institute (Hays Hall, room 104)
Institute Coordinators and Staff will discuss the goals of the Institute. Faculty and student staff will introduce themselves and describe their roles in the institute.

2 - 2:30 p.m.:  Introductions and Questions 

168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 will ask each student/family to introduce themselves to the group and then will take questions about the program, the summer institute, life at Wabash, or anything else.

2:40  - 3:30 p.m.: Continued Conversations

Parents will talk with directors of and mentors in the program about WLAIP and about Wabash (Hays 104)

Students will do team-building activites with local alumnus Keith Mason (Location TBD, weather-dependent)

3:45  - 4:50 pm.: TOURS: Meet in the Lobby of Hays Hall.

Option #1: Walking tour of campus 

Option #2: Walking tour of Crawfordsville

5  - 6 p.m.: Dinner at Sparks Center

6  - 7 p.m.: hugs and goodbyes  (all parents, family, and friends are asked to depart by 7)



Parking is avaliable in the MXI parking lot and the connecting lot, marked on the map. These lots can be accessed by Crawford Street.

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