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Biology - Research

Prof. Eric 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网tzel doing field research with a student

RESEARCH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF A BIOLOGY MAJOR'S EXPERIENCE AT WABASH COLLEGE, and there are a wide range of opportunities available. Students interested in research beyond their lab courses may engage in research with faculty on campus through independent study during the academic year (by enrolling in BIO 377 & 378) or by applying for paid summer internships. Faculty accepting applications for summer interns will post project descriptions early in the spring semester. 

Students may also apply for off-campus research internships. Career Services has information about many programs, but information about some selected internships can be found here. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center internship has an on-campus selection process in January. See the department chair for more information.

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